
These are my various writings. Some might say they are cool.

Life Change

June 9th, 2012 — There are those moments in your life when you know that nothing will be the same. You can sense the winds of change and it's pointing you another...

Dreaming to be Unknown

June 8th, 2012 — Being a writer there is a natural inclination to believe in being inspired, however, over the past few weeks I have come to the realization that...

Bruised and Broken

June 5th, 2012 — My hands are bruised and broken. My mind is crippled by thoughts of uncertainty in the midst of the unknown. Where once everything was clear before...

As Christians

June 2nd, 2012 — As Christians it’s automatically assumed that our lives are complete and that we can do nothing wrong the moment that we accept the Lord into our...

Reflection on Another Day of Prayer

May 30th, 2012 — The world is constantly pulling me down and away from You. Can I lose the salvation that You have given me? Is there something that I will, or have...

HTML5 is Where I Want to Go

May 27th, 2012 — HTML5 is the next phase of the ever evolving web eco-system. After personally seeing and experiencing the power of HTML5 there is no wonder that so...

Better CSS Building with Sass and Compass

May 24th, 2012 — Having worked on the web for years I've been subjected to huge and often scattered CSS stylesheets that comprise a large enterprise level site....

Renewed Each Day in Love

May 21st, 2012 — I firmly believe that God puts people in our lives to make us more aware of our short comings. Whether it be a blatant sin or a casual straying...


May 19th, 2012 — The confession comes when I look at my notebook and realize I haven't written anything down in days or worse weeks. Procrastination comes in every...

Disable Default Styling on iOS and WebKit

May 16th, 2012 — When you build out a new design for site and realize when you look at it on your iPad or iPhone and see that all the styling is wrong it can be...