
These are my various writings. Some might say they are cool.

Where For Art Thou Significance?

December 2nd, 2014 — Where do we find our significance? Without God in the mix we find significance in this world, because it is all we have. If I was to ask you if you...

The Well of Our Faith

November 30th, 2014 — When you speak from the heart what are you speaking about is it love and compassion, or something worse? I used to think that when I spoke from the...

Finding Solace in the Here and Now

November 8th, 2014 — How do we understand the differences between our needs and wants? It can be difficult to differentiate them and even harder to wade through them...

Walking Through and Meandering Around

September 18th, 2014 — The unfamiliar sounds of the wind between the buildings and cars bustling to office spaces I have only, but briefly known are drowned by the early...

Trials Produce a Steadfast Faith

September 16th, 2014 — Enduring trials is one of the hardest and most enriching parts of the Christian faith. Though the triumph of those trials is often misconstrued or...

Four Years and Counting

August 7th, 2014 — Each year I tend to write a post about marriage and this year was going to be no exception, however, in the midst of writing I didn't feel the...

DNS Prefetching

July 28th, 2014 — Increasing page load speed is essential to get users to your content quickly. For the past few months I have been utilizing compression tools for...

Conquer a Fear with God

July 27th, 2014 — When I start working on something new it begins by filling a need. Though as I look back on the course of my life I wonder if perhaps if this has...

Automatic Deployments with Bitbucket/Github and Dreamhost

July 21st, 2014 — I have always liked working with Git because it has saved my bacon on several occasions. However, the more I started actively developing with Git...

Books and Community

July 18th, 2014 — It has been a long two months and sadly my site again has become neglected with updates. Though I have been working behind the scenes more these...