Anniversary: A Marriage Celebration

Published on Aug 5, 2012
It has been a rough year and finally after making it through the toughest patches it's now time to take a rest. With vacation days lined up like candy I've been rather lazy about writing. However, with my anniversary coming up in a few short days I've been thinking about the past two years and all the moments in between. It felt like yesterday that she was walking down the aisle while I stood waiting and watching for her to reach me. ## Celebration Time That's right. My two year anniversary is coming up this next week. Every year we tend to give one big gift. This year I was rather impatient and wanted to give my gift a little early. She didn't object to seeing what she got a little early and that's why I love my wife. She always wants to make me happy, even when all I really want is for her to be happy. Our marriage over the last two years hasn't been so much give and take, rather than self-sacrifice. We give to each other on a daily basis. Where I fall she picks up the pieces and vice-versa. > Then the Lord God said, “It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him a helper fit for him. > Genesis 2:18 My wife has been my helper since day one. I may have to work long hours each day, but when I get home and see her smiling face shining back at me I get renewed and know why I work so hard. Though it feels much better to hear that from her lips when she tells me how much she appreciates me. God granted me one of the most amazing women in the world that I could call my wife and I thank Him each day. It was funny this year when we exchanged cards. Each of our sense of humors tend to be pretty much on the money, and we will have a laugh when we get to read what the other thought was hilarious. This year is was different, because we'd both managed to buy the exact same card for each other, but just at different times of the day. Interesting how our minds and humor are starting to meld into one. And that was God's original plan for marriage. We were meant to be joined and come together to know each other as one being. > Therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife, and they shall become one flesh. > Genesis 2:24 It's disheartening to see so many marriages, especially Christian marriages, across the globe failing day after day, because they don't understand how to become one. They each have their own divisions of space, time, energy, and hobbies. In my own marriage it was more about finding that common ground where we both could enjoy each other and be renewed by the other. Whether it be a hobby, an occasional walk, an evening Bible study, or even a game you need to find that common ground with your spouse. To live enriched lives in Christ we need to daily come to Him in order to see and know Him. Why would we expect that to be any different in marriage? While I may see my wife everyday, if I don't take the time to see and know her then my marriage will fail because I don't find her valuable enough to spend that time with her. Spend time in the simple things and find strength when the larger battles come. I'm pretty sure that if I did not take an active role in talking and finding joy with my wife daily the marriage that we have today would be very different. ## The Simple Things Find and take the time to celebrate each other's accomplishments. My wife is an amazing graphic designer and she recently opened her Etsy shop for party planning. Check out the [Leelee and Sumsum]( shop if you need some inspiration for your next party. The small and large achievements that we have in our marriage we try to celebrate often. A new shop opening, a fixed tooth, an anniversary, or the fact that we are home after a long day. We try to celebrate as much as we can because it allows us the time to interact with each other between the late nights at work and the general business of life distracting us from loving each other. I'd be interested to hear how others are showing love in their own marriages. Leave a comment below and start the discussion on how you love in your own marriage. I think we all need to start renewing our marriages to get back to what God had originally planned a marriage to be.
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Justin Hough

Chief Development Officer at Hounder. He is a Christian, husband, father, writer, developer, designer, and a digital carpenter crafting amazing web experience. Also, created the Centurion Framework many moons ago.