Coffee House for Early Morning Writing
on Sep 4, 2012
Writers need to find anyway possible to avoid distractions to help them get their writing out. This may come as a shock but I find that my best time to write comes when I'm sitting at a coffee house early in the morning before work. If I wake up late and find myself in a rush to get out the door my day seems far less productive. Who knows how much money I have spent in software or devices over the years to combat this issue of finding that moment of distraction free writing.
You may be asking yourself why I don't just write at home in a quiet corner of the house with everything turned off. if you have kids then you know this isn't ever a possibility, nor would you want to yell at your kids to keep it down every few seconds in order to finish your next great novel. First of all I don't have any kids so the distraction of rambunctious youngsters is not an issue for me at the moment. However when I write at home I find so many others things that take up my time, such as television, the dishes, laundry and a slew of other obstacles the keep me from finishing the writing that I am working on. That problem comes down to trying to do too much at once. For a highly productive person like myself having too many things on my plate is a regular occurrence and for the writer in me this can lead to long weeks with little to no progress made on my writing projects.
Seasoned writers will encourage you to block out time to write. I will tell you the same and I'll add one more stipulation which is that you need to find a quiet place to write. It could be in a crowded coffee house, a Library, a local diner, the back-room in your house, the garage, or even in the passenger seat of your car. The place is not as important as the space needed for your writing. Go find your niche and write on.