A Poem on Marriage
on May 10, 2013
I don't write much poetry anymore. However, in years past I have literally written hundreds of poems on a wide variety of subjects and once I get all the content converted for my new web site I'll have more to show. However, each year my wife has one request that I write her a poem. The subject changes depending on what she wants me to write about. When we were dating I wrote poems all the time to her about how much she meant to me and while that practice has been lacking since we have been married I spare no time each day telling her how much I love her. This last year before our anniversary she didn't want to much a gift, but she wanted a poem on marriage. More importantly she wanted me to write a poem about our marriage. So for a few days I pondered on what I would write about and from the first few lines that I jotted down in my notebook got me on a good start. The eventual poem that grew into a poem about what marriage is and the potential each day can bring when two people love each other enough to be there.
Hope that you enjoy.
# Marriage is…
One word.
A sweet voice.
An answer to years of prayer.
Is forever.
Seeing the potential.
A love that transcends.
Holding her close on a cold winter night.
Sleeping next to her until the afternoon.
Giving more than receiving.
Seeing your future in the twinkle of her eye.
Screaming how much you love her at the top of your lungs when all you are allowed to do is whisper.
Leaping without looking.
Reminiscing over the day you met.
Wondering why they chose you and knowing why.
Wishing their voice could linger all day.
Hearing her voice after a long day
Sharing a meal with a casual conversation.
More than words.