Wake Up to The Lord
on Sep 8, 2013
The mornings I spend in the Word are the best by far. It allows me the time to recenter my heart and life to the beats of The Lord. Those days when I wake up with the Bible and a hot cup of coffee next to me I feel that I could conquer anything, however, life so many other days that fire is quickly quenched when I allow the world to seep its way in. Does that make me a weak Christian? The answer could mean "Yes", but in my time I have seen that when we try to conquer the days alone we are easily overtaken by the woes that exist within this world we attempt to build apart from God.
We've probably all hit the same point as Christians when we realize we're not enough. Our worlds quickly spiral out of control when we try to fight the fight set before us alone. We wonder why God isn't with us and why everything has to be so hard. Has He really abandoned us? No, He hasn't. It feels like we are alone because we're trying to do everything alone. Today when I started feeling alone in my own struggles I started reading John 16 and I could feel God talking to me.
> Behold, the hour is coming, indeed it has come, when you will be scattered, each to his own home, and will leave me alone. Yet I am not alone, for the Father is with me. I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world.
> John 16:32-33
When Christ told the disciples what the Father had planned for Him and them they were somewhat confused. However, the most important aspect of what Christ had to tell them before He went to the cross I feel was in the last verse of chapter 16. Christ had overcome the world! He had come to conquer sin itself and He was about to complete it. There is no more powerful verse that can make a Christian sing than knowing that our Lord and Savior has overcome the world.
When I struggle in my daily life I forget that all of this doesn't matter, Christ has beaten the world. The moment I fret over a bill or some other struggle I have faced I need to stop and remember that my Lord has "overcome the world." Done. Finished. He beat it and there's nothing left for me to do than praise His name. The mornings I wake up to take in His Word I am like a child coming to the Father for sustenance. My body craves what He has for me and nothing else that I can receive on this earth will satisfy me. In my good days I search for Him and find Him.
In my pain I seek His face to brighten my steps and He always finds me. He never abandons us, nor forsakes us, because He is always there His hands outstretched ready to pick us up when we fall and we should always be ready to worship His name at those times as well. Ask yourself, have you sought Him out today? If not, then why? Even in our pain God is working wonders in His name. Are you listening to the instruction that He's been giving? If you can't hear His voice amongst all the chatter of the world then it's time that you stopped running the race and got back into His Word.