What Does It Mean to be a Father?
on Jul 20, 2013
What does it mean to be a father? From my own experience the simple act of having a child does not make one a father. They might be a biological parent, but there is so much more involved. In watching my own little "peanut" grow it has become painfully obvious that a "real" father is one who cares for the cries of his children, who nurtures them throughout their life, teaches them the difference between right and wrong, who takes more time for them than his work, but most importantly he is one who shows them the love of Christ. When you look at a strong, closely knit family you will see their is a father who knows God, who's involved in the lives of children, and has taught his little boy the man he wants to be, as well as, has given his little girl an example of the man she wants to marry. This is where a man becomes more than just a man; this is where a man becomes a father.
I could reiterate the same point over again, though I don't think it would make the point any stronger. Any father reading this will already understand the important of each and everything I've already said. And the others who don't believe in God might have their own arguments to shed on this subject. I've spent most of my life wondering what type of man I would be for my own children and the minute I learned the my wife was pregnant not only was a I elated, but I knew that my time to be a father had finally come.
Sure, there were a few moments over the last month when I started to get nervous and scared that I hadn't grown up enough to be a father to anyone. In light of the news I remained confident and strong not from of my own encouragement, but because of what I have seen God doing in my life. He has been nurturing me to be a father my entire life through all the nieces and nephews I've had and through all the ministries that I've had the opportunity to lead or be a part of. Each day He had been showing me what pitfalls not to make and what triumphs to aim for the moment I held their tiny hands in mine. God has always been my example of who I want to emulate to my children once they were old enough to know Him themselves. However, it will be a conversation I have each day with them even when all they can do is "oh and ah" back at me. There is no more important relationship a child can have than there is with their Lord and Savior.
For a man to be called a father he must go further. He must challenge himself to be a Godly example for his children to follow. Simply a father must be someone who allows God to mold his character and guide his steps each day.